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New Playground on Laguardia Place
I just saw this playground on Laguardia place and 3rd street in the City. It seems to have a monster style theme. Here are some pictures:

Hackintosh – Build a mac for about $1000
Its no secret, Mac’s are more expensive then PC’s in almost every case. While there are several reasons for this, I want to exploit the fact that this rule does have an exception. I would like to introduce you to the robust community of the Hackintosh, and its homepage . They have created a great […]

Cool Bike I saw locked up in the city.
From what I can tell it has disk brakes, single sided axels, no chain drive (axel drive i suspect), and a bike lock cut out under the handle bars. Looks like it folds in half too.

Bleecker and Broadway underground transfer to uptown 6 train
Here are some picture of the new underground transfer to the 6 train at the Bleecker street subway station. Check out the fancy lights on the ceiling.

Cool picture of an almost full moon and the Empire State Building
Here are 2 pics that I took from 28th street and 7th avenue last night.

The New York Times does not get it!!!
Or at least the company that does there advertising is stuck in 2002. While riding home on the subway last night I took an in depth look at the subway car full of New York Times ads. They were promoting there “Digital Subscriber” model, where as a non-subscriber you only get access to 20 articles […]

Some cool old phones at the GDGT event
I was at the GDGT event at the Altman building yesterday, and one of the vendors had brought a bunch of vintage mobile phones. Check them out:

Most commonly used Iphone passcode lock codes
I am just posting some information that was already spelled out in Daniel Amitay’s blog here. I want to reiterate that just having a passcode lock your phone regardless if its an iphone or an android, is not enough if you use the following passcodes: 1234 0000 2580 1111 5555 5683 0853 2222 1212 1998 […]